Civil War medicine was a far cry from today's medical technology. Back during the Civil War medical practices were pretty inept and ineffective.
The Civil War is often referred to as the first "modern" war. Many of the technologies devised during that period permanently changed the way wars were fought.
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You Found It! An in depth look at Civil War Medicine, with Pictures and medical procedures
The American Civil War lasted for four years, from April 1861 until April 1865. Medical technology was extremely limited by today's standards, and little was known about .
. Encarta Throughout, World War, Clearing Company, world war, civil war, world
war ii, war ii, war world war, medical technology, war world, medics civil war, diploma .
Uploaded by KurlyKari16 on Jan 5, 2011 No description available. Category: People & Blogs Tags: American Civil War Medical Technology AP US History License .
Civil War Weapons, Navy, Spies, Technology, & Medicine. Updated June 8, 2002 . Casualties & Medical Care U.S. Civil War Center -- Medicine More Civil War .
Indeed the war began with most armies utilizing technology that had changed little from World War I, and . The Spanish Civil War had proved that tactical dive-bombing using .
1. Arch Surg. 1988 Sep;123(9):1045-50. Medical advances during the Civil War. civil war medical technology Blaisdell FW. Department of Surgery, University of California, Davis, Sacramento 95817.
Civil War medicine did not keep up with weapon technology of the day . during the
civil war medical technology
war. The North had a small advantage over the South when it came to medical technology .
Doctors only attended 3 semesters of 13 weeks of medical school. Medical schools were all over during the Civil War period. Most of these were just diploma factories .
During the spring of 2000, Virginia Tech's Virginia Center for Civil War Studies held its
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