Adds a sidebar widget that shows the most popular posts. This plugin uses the statistics . Thanks Thomas for Your really

useful plugin. It
sidebar widgets really useful
works fine, but i am experiensing .
. use widgets is because there are many useful plugins that aren
. by Nate Sanden to make it a fully configurable Sidebar Widget. As of . Been looking for this for a while. Really appreciate it and it is very helpful and useful too.
This is really useful if you have a lot of links on your site or if you have a lot of . �hnlich den Sidebar-Widgets f�r WordPress bietet MyBlogLog Widgets f�r
This article highlights some of sidebar widgets really useful the most useful tools, gadgets and other widgets you can put on the Windows Vista Sidebar. . give you (and no, fake-time doesn
. and it is of course a widget for your sidebar. The widget gives you . Really useful post, especially the bit about the sidebar login
. be scared off or uninterested in the functions.php file, when really it can be one of the most useful . The code above registers our sidebar widgets and formats them with some basic .
What I really loved in this program is the desktop sidebar, with small useful applications that show you weather, time . Yes, but Windows Sidebar Widget its more "professional" PD .
WordPress Popular Posts: This widget is really awesome and useful for me and for my visitors. . widget allows you to add any text or HTML code in your sidebar widget. It
Reason#1: Desktop Sidebar
Google Desktop has really useful widgets. 2. Yahoo widgets are really pretty. . I didn't know that Google Sidebar had this kind of functionality.
How useful this gadget is really depends on how much or often you use Vista
Making your themes widget-ready really isn
WordPress Popular Posts: This widget is really awesome and useful for me and for my visitors. . widget allows you to add any text or HTML code in your sidebar widget. It
Yes, it has something called Windows Sidebar that allows you to add widgets
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